Sunday, December 7, 2014


This first week of advent has caused much stirring in my heart.  This week I have been reminded repeatedly of how blessed I am to be able to put my HOPE in my SAVIOR!  We have not been promised lives without struggle but we have been promised HOPE.  

And again, Isaiah says, "The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him." May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Romans 15:12-13

Reading: this week we have started our second books in our series.  It has been so amazing to listen to your children discuss their insights on their characters.  This week we spent time looking at our characters and thinking about what life lessons can we learn from them and then how our Christian Faith is linked to that.  Ask your child about some of their life lessons they learned this week.  We also have been in a discussion about HOPE.  Right now our characters in our story are going through a severe draught and my question to the children was--What do we put our hope in.  They all said Jesus.  My next question was--what do people put their hope in if they do not know Jesus.  They looked at me and the room went silent.  To me this was am amazing moment.  This showed me that they know the only hope you can have comes from Jesus.  WOW! Your children humble me everyday I am with them. 

Writing: this week we have learned how to make our personal narratives more powerful by revising our leads that pull the reader in, revising by adding sensory details, and by adding more descriptive transitional words and phrases.  Your children continue to knock my socks off with their writing.  They love it and everyday when writing time is over--they complain because they want to keep doing it.

Math:  We continued studying measurement this week with liquid volume and mass.  Students solved word problems dealing with milliliters, liters, grams and kilograms. 
We also worked this week on the concept of time.  We reviewed how to tell time to the minute and then began solving word problems dealing with elapsed time.  Some students are able to find elapsed time by using a clock but most prefer to use a number line to find their answer.  We will continue working on this next week. 

Bible:  We are studying Abram and how God fulfills his promises to him.  This week we learned how God changed Abram’s name to Abraham.  We then looked up the spiritual meaning of all of the student’s names and created a keynote project with their name meaning and a special verse for each child. 
We also studied Lot and how the city of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed when God could not find even 10 righteous people living there.  We see over and over again how God desires for us to live a life that is pleasing to him. 
We are also learning Luke 2:6-20 in class.  This is a long bible memory so we are illustrating it as well.  Any additional practice on this passage at home would be great!

Social Studies:  We continued our study of Michigan this week by focusing on the different ways good, people and ideas move in and out of Michigan.   We focused specifically on how the Great Lakes play an important role in our transportation of goods and how this is unique to our state.  We also learned a bit about zebra muscles and how they have infested the Great Lakes.   

·            If you are interested in volunteering to help with gingerbread houses on December 17 you can sign up on our blog under the “Gingerbread House” posting.  We would love as many volunteers as we can get.  Thank you for your willingness to help in this way!
·            We are continuing to collect donations for the Lakeshore Pregnancy Center.  Instead of exchanging student gifts, we encourage the students to give to this cause.  What a great way to show God’s love!

Erin and Lynae


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